Your Extended Vote

OK, you are a good citizen and vote every election day, including all the primaries and any other opportunity you have to exercise your right and obligation as a voter. But as many voters today, you feel frustrated, it just seems not to make much difference no matter how good of a voting citizen you are.

Rejoice with the power you have to change things and vote every day, in fact vote several times a day through your actions and your economic clout. Everyone of us has the opportunity and responsibility to manage our own lives to benefit both ourselves, our family, friends and the community in which we reside. The later you can define as broadly as you wish.

If you feel the price of energy is too high, use less. If you don’t like the impact of big box stores in your community, buy from your little local merchants. If you don’t like processed foods, buy organic. There is a huge number of choices that we make everyday that in the long term effect the kind of world in which we live. Take responsibility for your actions and vote for what you think is right and benefits your community. Some of the choices involve how much you are willing to spend, but that is a choice you must excersise according to your means.

So start voting today for the world you want to live in tommorrow.

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